When you’re working with a professional photographer in New York City , it’s essential to be prepared. That means knowing what you’re modeling and where your photo shoot will take place. If you’re preparing for your first photo shoot on a beach, keep reading to learn some of the basics. Know what you’re modeling. Beach […]
Smiling in Modeling Photos
It’s natural to smile for photos taken by friends and family, but what about professional photographer photos for your modeling portfolio in New York City? While some modeling jobs will require more serious or somber facial expressions, commercial jobs often have a lighter atmosphere that calls for a smile. As you’ll see in this video, […]
Busting Myths About Online Dating Photos
Online dating is one of the fastest and easiest ways for today’s busy singles to meet potential matches. Whether you’ve been too busy with your professional life or are ready to get back into the dating world after a divorce, you can take the first step by visiting a photography studio in New York City […]
Essential Skills for Professional Modeling
Are you interested in being a model? The modeling world is competitive but can be highly rewarding for those who are dedicated and hard-working. To be a professional model, it takes more than talent and good looks. You should also be comfortable in front of a camera, as you’ll be working with top fashion photographers […]
Catalog Modeling
Catalog modeling is considered to be the bread and butter of the modeling industry. It doesn’t have the same allure as fashion and runway but it pays well and there is a lot of work out there. There are height and size requirements but the models can be a bit shorter than the fashion and […]
Fashion Print and Runway Modeling
This is the most familiar and sought-after job in the industry; the job that most people dream about; the world of the “Super Model”. The physical requirements for this type of modeling are the most precise. As a rule female models need to be between 5′ 10″ tall and wear a size 4 dress. For […]
What Does it Take to Become a Male Fashion Model?
To become a male “fashion model” there are certain physical requirements. As a general guideline, men should be between 6′ and 6’2″ tall and wear a size 40R-42L jacket. They should be lean and fit. The typical weight is between 140-165 pounds. Large muscles look great and work well in fitness modeling, but they are […]
What is a Beauty Shot?
Simply put, a beauty shot is a close up image that captivates the viewer. It can be intriguing, seductive, innocent, charming or joyful. The model can be looking directly into the camera or away from it as long as the image produces a pleasant response. A beauty shot can be clean or commercial looking; it […]
What to Include in Your Modeling Portfolio
New York City is one of the international centers of the fashion industry, so it should be no surprise that there are thousands of people shopping their modeling portfolios around Manhattan. While you want to stand out from the crowd, you should be aware of the standard types of photos that fashion photographers, talent agents, […]
Modeling Portfolios – Photo Shoot On Location
With spring just around the corner, it’s now time to get excited about planning my modeling portfolio sessions on the beach! There’s no better place to shoot that awesome swimsuit shot for your portfolio than on a beautiful location. Over the past 15 years, we have discovered so many magnificent sites. This year we plan […]
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