• What “Type” of Model are You?

    As an aspiring model, it is important for you to figure out which type(s) of modeling you are best suited for. There are several different categories, all of which have different requirements. If you familiarize yourself with the different categories you will be put yourself on a more direct path towards a successful career in […]

  • What Does it Take to Become a Male Fashion Model?

    To become a male “fashion model” there are certain physical requirements. As a general guideline, men should be between 6′ and 6’2″ tall and wear a size 40R-42L jacket. They should be lean and fit. The typical weight is between 140-165 pounds. Large muscles look great and work well in fitness modeling, but they are […]

  • What is a Beauty Shot?

    Simply put, a beauty shot is a close up image that captivates the viewer. It can be intriguing, seductive, innocent, charming or joyful. The model can be looking directly into the camera or away from it as long as the image produces a pleasant response. A beauty shot can be clean or commercial looking; it […]